January 25, 2015

WEEK #10

Man, again stressing how blessing you all are to be living in the States, I have been craving a juicy burger with a Dr Pepper and they dont have either of those here! But really, this last week has been kind of crazy. First of all, our power went out the first half of the week. And we dont have a/c, only fans which dont work without power. So our pension was literally a sauna. Which leads to opening windows. Which leads to mosquitos and about 30 bites. So, that part kinda sucked. Oh, hahah and some of the people who also didnt have power thought it would help to go riot so they blocked traffic all night banging on garbage cans and stuff, I thought it was pretty funny. Im starting to gain a bit more confindence with everything as I learn the language, but I still really dont understand what they say, still. So, half the time they ask me a question I just stare at them and they never get their answer. But really, I'm so hyped to get the language down and just talk with EVERYBODY. Don't get me wrong, I make Argentina sound so bad, but honestly I have already met so many genuinely nice people that are always trying to help us. Its cool to see your love for your investigadors grow. Even though I dont understand half of what comes out of their mouths at time, I still feel their spirits and personalities. And you always walk out with a smile on your face as you see them start to change their lives for the better. Like the Mission is the weirdest thing on Earth; It's already been so hard, but I have already had some of the best feelings I have ever felt as well. Well, anyway all is well in Argentina! I should have a picture and story of a baptism next week!
Love, Elder Hansen
la capilla

Surgery on my tie, maybe my first time ever sewing.

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